How do I verify the authenticity of my wallet?
To find out if your Atomic Wallet app is genuine, make sure that the sha256 hash sum of your app matches the hash sum which can be found on our Downloads page.
Click Check Hash Sum to start downloading the file.
Now, you'll need to compare the hash sum of your app against the hash sum in this file. Here's how to do that:
- Open your Command prompt. One way to do this is pressing + R on your keyboard and typing
into the prompt that'll open. Alternatively, just search for "Command prompt." - Copy and paste this command into your command prompt:
certutil -hashfile
Press Space - Drag the downloaded file into your command prompt and press Space.
- Type
and press Enter. - The command prompt will print out your app's hash. Make sure this hash matches the one for atomicwallet.exe.
- Open your Terminal. One way to do this is searching for Terminal using Spotlight Spotlight.
- Copy and paste this command into your Terminal:
openssl dgst -sha256
- Drag your Atomic Wallet.dmg file into the Terminal
- The command prompt will print out your app's hash. Make sure this hash matches the one for atomicwallet.dmg.
- Open your Terminal.
- Go to the directory where your Atomic Wallet file is.
cd my_awesome_directory_with_the_atomic_wallet_file
- Run this command in your terminal:
sha256sum atomicwallet.AppImage
If you downloaded atomicwallet.deb or atomicwallet.rpm instead, then naturally, don't forget to replace .AppImage with that file extension. Press Enter. - sha256sum will print out the app's hash, which you should check against the one in the file.