XMR: Common Questions
Monero is the first fully anonymous cryptocurrency. Most blockchains are pseudonymous: while it's impossible to discover the identity of any account's owner, everyone can view their transaction history and balance. Monero has revolutionized that, pioneering the first fully anonymous blockchain.
- The official FAQ for any general Monero-related questions you may have.
- Moneropedia for learning everything there is about Monero
Handy XMR links
Atomic Wallet & XMR: A Brief Overview
Swap. XMR is available for swapping.
Buy crypto. XMR is unavailable for fiat purchases at this time.
Staking. XMR is unavailable for staking at this time.
"I've heard Atomic Wallet has issues with XMR"
We are happy to announce that issues with the XMR balance and transactions that we've had in the past are now fixed! You can deposit and safely manage XMR in Atomic Wallet now. If you made an XMR deposit after January 19th, you will not be affected by any lingering issues and can enjoy the full functionality of XMR in Atomic Wallet.
"I still have issues with XMR in my wallet"
If you had XMR in your wallet before the January 19th fix, you might experience some lingering issues, affecting your ability to send XMR and properly see your XMR balance. Not to worry though! All you need to do is to contact us and we'll instruct you on how to fix it. In short, we are going to need your address and the view key to manually rescan the blockchain for you. After that, you'll be able to use XMR without a hitch. Just hit us up by filling out this form and we'll take it from there.
Sender and recipient addresses in the transaction info tab
Since Monero is an anonymous network, there are some peculiarities when it comes to sender and recipient addresses in your transaction history.
- Incoming transactions do not show the sender's address
- Outgoing transactions do not show the recipient's address (the sender's address is shown instead)
A note regarding the address activation feature
Address activation is a feature designed to improve the wallet's performance. The coins you don't use will stay inactive resulting in less data usage and faster loading. Your XMR address will deactivate automatically if you haven't used it for 30 days (haven't made any withdrawals or deposits). A deactivated address will not reflect your balance properly. That is easily fixable, however. Simply press the 'Activate' button again and you're good to go. Here's more on the address activation feature and how to activate your address: Address activation feature.
'How do I share my private view key?'
In order to send us your private view key, follow these steps:
- Get your XMR private view key. In order to do so, find XMR in your wallet and click the icon in the top right corner;
Select the 'Share View Key' option in the dropdown menu;
After you've clicked that, a 'Contact Support' form will pop up. It will automatically fill in your address and your XMR view key for you. All you'll need to do is to provide an email address so that we could respond to you!
- Get your XMR private view key. In order to do so, find XMR in your wallet and tap the icon in the top right corner;
- Select the 'Share View Key' option in the menu;
- After you've clicked that, a 'Contact Support' form will pop up. It will automatically fill in your address and your XMR view key for you. All you'll need to do is to provide an email address so that we could respond to you!
How do I check my transaction on the block explorer?
Since Monero pays special attention to privacy, it's not as easy to check the status of your transaction on the block explorer as it is with other cryptocurrencies. In addition to the transaction hash, you need to have your private view key ready. Monero block explorers won't let anyone check your transaction without a view key to make sure nobody but you can see its status.
Note: you can only check incoming transactions that way.
If you want to check the transaction on the block explorer, follow these steps:
- Find the transaction hash. Since it's an incoming transaction, you can find it in the transaction history of the sender platform/wallet;
- Go to Monero block explorer;
- Paste your transaction hash in the search bar;
- You will be presented with limited transaction info. Now provide your XMR address (here's how to find it) and your private view key. You can find it in your private keys section or via the 'Share View Key button' (in that case you will need to copy the key, instead of sending an email to us). After entering the address and the view key click 'Decode outputs';
- You will now be able to see if the transaction was successful and how much funds have you received.