How to use a coupon in Atomic Wallet?

In this article, we'll cover how to apply a coupon for buying crypto in Atomic Wallet. 

  1. Open the wallet; 
  2. Find the 'Buy Crypto' tab by tapping the 'Buy' button at the bottom panel;

  3. You will see an interface for buying crypto;
  4. Choose the cryptocurrency to buy and the amount to spend. The minimum amount is 50$. Click 'Continue';
  5. Click or tap the 'Have a coupon?" button;

  6. Type or paste the coupon in the field and click or tap 'Apply'; 
  7. If you've entered a valid coupon, you'll see a green "Coupon code added" sign under the code. You'll also be able to see exactly what discount this coupon provides;   
  8.  In addition, you'll see the amount of crypto you were going to get without the coupon (crossed out) and the amount of crypto you're going to get with the coupon;
  9. Now that your coupon is applied, you can continue with the buying process as usual. 

For a more detailed guide on buying crypto in Atomic Wallet check out our guide: How do I buy cryptocurrencies with my credit card?

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