What can I do with a pending ETH transaction?
Sometimes ETH transactions can get stuck because of a low network fee or the whole network getting overloaded.
Every transaction you send out of your Ethereum wallet gets assigned its own index number, called "nonce" (i.e. " number only used once"). It equals the number of transactions previously sent from your address. The counting starts with 0, as is customary in programming, so the 27th's transaction nonce will amount to 28. To resend or cancel a transaction, you'll need to create another one with the same nonce.
How do I resend my stuck transaction?
Starting with Atomic Wallet v.2.27.0, you can resend any ETH transaction that doesn't get confirmed within 10 minutes in your desktop wallet.
Please note, that if you have several pending transactions, you will need to resend them starting with the earliest one.
To do so, go to the Wallet tab on the left sidebar and pick ETH from the coin list. Here, choose the Transactions tab and find the earliest pending transaction in your history. You'll see the Resend button, which will let you create a new transaction with the same nonce. The old one will get the Dropped & Replaced status automatically.
As of right now (Q1 2023) you can only resend your transaction from a desktop wallet. If you have a desktop wallet, simply resend it from there. If you don't, keep reading!
How do I cancel my stuck transaction?
Atomic Wallet doesn't natively offer this option yet. However, you can import your ETH private key into MyCrypto Wallet and cancel your transaction there.
- Go to MyCrypto Wallet's download page;
- Download and install the app for your OS;
- Open the wallet once it's downloaded. Click on Private Key;
- In Atomic Wallet, pick the Settings tab on the left sidebar and then the Private keys tab in the top panel;
- Enter your password and click Show private keys;
- Search for ETH and copy your private key;
- Switch back to the MyCrypto app. Paste your key into the field and click Unlock.
- You'll see the transaction-sending interface. Enter the same address and amount you've used for the transaction you want to cancel.
Once you're done, click on Advanced;
- In your Atomic Wallet, go to the History tab on the left sidebar. Browse through your transaction history.
Once you find the transaction you want to cancel, click on it and copy its nonce.
- Go back to your MyCrypto app. Paste the nonce into the Nonce field. Gas Price and Gas Limit will adjust automatically (if you have the respective box checked). The 'Data' field is optional, you can leave it blank. After everything's done, click on Send transaction;
- That's it! The initial transaction's status will now change to Dropped&Replaced. Sometimes, however, you will get a transaction error or the transaction may stay in the pending state for hours. If that happened to you, keep reading;
- If your transaction still happens to be pending, what you need to do is to send a 0 ETH transaction to your own address;
- Paste your own address into the 'To Address' field;
- Set the amount to 0 and make sure the nonce matches the transaction that you want to cancel;
Set the gas price to 180 and limit to 21000 to ensure the confirmation of your transaction;
The transaction should go through now!
- Get the Metamask app for your device from Google Play or App Store.
- Tap Get started.
- Tap Create a new wallet.
- Come up with a password for your Metamask wallet.
- Write your Metamask 12-word backup phrase down and keep it someplace safe.
- Tap the Menu icon.
- Tap your Account's name.
- Select Import an Account.
- Open your Atomic Wallet app and tap the Settings icon.
- Go to Security Private keys & Backup. Enter your password.
- Select ETH from the list and tap Copy.
- In your Metamask app, paste your ETH key into the field and tap Import.
Now that your private key has been imported you can resend or cancel the transaction from MetaMask. You will need to send a transaction for 0 ETH with a custom nonce. Go to 'Settings';
Select 'Settings';
Select 'Advanced';
Enable the 'Customize transaction nonce' toggle;
Send a new transaction. The transaction should be sent to yourself, meaning your ETH public address (your MetaMask and Atomic Wallet ETH addresses will be the same since you've imported the private key). Tap 'Send' in the main menu;
Fill in 'Custom Nonce' with the same nonce as the transaction that is still pending. To find the custom nonce setting in the app, get to the transaction confirmation screen, which appears after you've entered the token quantity and recipient. Hit 'Edit' to change it:
In order to find the required nonce, go to the History tab on the left sidebar of your Atomic Wallet, Browse through your transaction history. Once you find the transaction you want to cancel, click on it and copy its nonce;
Input the nonce and tap 'Save';
- Now tap the fee amount to edit the fee;
Set priority to 'Aggressive' and don't forget to save;
- After that, your original transaction will have a 'Dropped & Replaced' status. However, sometimes you will get a transaction error with the error message 'replacement transaction underpriced'. If that happened to you, keep reading;
There is a chance you might get the following error:
If that happens, repeat steps 17-21 of this guide. This time, however, instead of setting the 'Aggressive' priority, set the fee manually. Edit the 'Max priority fee' and 'Max fee'. You don't need to copy the numbers you see on the screenshot. You can take the default values MetaMask calculates for you and increase them by 10-20%. Additionally, you can use Gas Tracker to gauge the fee amount at that particular moment. Save the settings and send the transaction. It should go through now, if it does not, try adjusting the fees again;