How do I install Atomic Wallet?

Once you download the app, double-click the file and wait for Atomic Wallet to get installed. 

  1. Download the macOS app file and click it. Next, move the app to the Applications folder.
  2. Launch the app from the Applications folder.
  3. You'll be prompted with a window saying that the app was downloaded from the Internet. Click Open. Voila, you're all set!
  1. Once you download the file, right-click it and select Properties.
  2. Switch to the Permissions tab.
  3. Under Execute, check the Allow executing file as program option.
  4. Close the window and double-click the file. Voila, you're all set!


  • We can only guarantee that the app is compatible with the latest stable Ubuntu release, so make sure your system is up to date. If it's not, backup your data and run this command in your terminal, then try installing Atomic Wallet again: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • If the app freezes or crashes, try installing the Debian (.deb) version. 
  • If you're running Ubuntu 16.04, keep in mind it's no longer receiving any updates apart from security patches. Consider migrating to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to keep your apps (including Atomic Wallet) working smoothly.


Once you download the file, run this command in your terminal: sudo dpkg -i atomicwallet.deb Voila, you're all set!


  • We can only guarantee that the app is compatible with the latest stable Debian release, so make sure your system is up to date. If it's not, backup your data and run this command in your terminal, then try installing Atomic Wallet again: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • If you're getting the "Trace/breakpoint trap" error message, run this command in your terminal: [your Atomic Wallet file] --no-sandbox
  • If you're getting the "Package libappindicator3-1 is not installed" error message and can't install libappindicator3-1, try this:
    1. Open the ./unpack/DEBIAN/control file.
      You can run less ./unpack/DEBIAN/control or use any other method you prefer.
    2. Search for libappindicator3-1 in that file.

      With less, try / + libappindicator3-1 + Enter.

    3. Replace libappindicator3-1 with libayatana-appindicator3-1 and save your changes.
    4. Run dpkg -b unpack + the name of the Atomic Wallet .deb file you downloaded.
    5. Run sudo apt install ./ + the name of the Atomic Wallet .deb file you downloaded.
      For example, sudo apt install ./atomicwallet-2.36.0-186.deb.


Once you download the file, run this command in your terminal: sudo rpm -i atomicwallet.rpm Voila, you're all set!


  • We can only guarantee that the app is compatible with the latest stable Fedora release, so make sure your system is up to date. If it's not, backup your data and follow the DNF System Upgrade guide to upgrade your system to the current release.
  • In case you're getting the "SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly" error message, please run this command in your terminal: sudo sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1

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